Il Portale della Regione Calabria per le imprese

Scheda n.: 06
Tipologia ZES (SEZ type): Porto
Comune (Municipality): Corigliano Rossano
Ente Gestore (Managing Body): Port Authority of Southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas
Fogli Catastali (Cadastral sheets): 51, 52 e 69 di Corigliano-Rossano
Superficie totale Area (Total surface Area) (ha): 52
Riferimenti (References):

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The port infrastructure, including the stretch of water, covers a total area of approximately 1,300,000 sq.m and it is divided into an evolution basin, 7 docks and 2 docks arranged in parallel along the coastline.

The width of the outer harbor provides refuge in case of bad weather and it allows for a quick and direct landing.
All the quays are about 3 meters high above sea level, except docks 5 (in the first 100 meters measured from the root), 6 and 7 which are about 1 and a half meters high above sea level. The surface of the operational aprons is 160,000 sq.m, behind quay 1 (east quay); 76,000 sq.m enclosed between docks 3, 4 and 5; 55,000 sq.m behind quay 2, the area enclosed between quays 3, 4 and 5 and quay n. 6 and bounded on the south side by the port fence; 10,000 sq.m behind quay 7 (west quay).

The port area is defined by the "maritime state-owned areas and port works included within the limits identified to the north by the mouth of the Malfrancato stream and to the south by the mouth of the Missionante stream" (Ministerial Decree 29 December 2006).

Bodies of water are excluded for the purposes of the SEZ.

The area size included in the perimeter of the SEZ area corresponds to approximately 52 hectares.



The SEZ Calabria strategic plan, chap. 9 “Facilitations and incentives”, (P.M.D. 12/2018 art. 6, l. g, c. 1) identifies the following main facilities to support the SEZ:

  • Tax credit (Law 208/2015)
  • Development contracts (MISE Agreement, 2-017, D.G.R. 93/2018)
  • Law 181/89 (D.G.R. 423/2016, D.G.R. 95/2018)
  • Craft Fund (D.G.R. 580/2017)

Furthermore, the law n. 178/2020 (Budget Law 2021), art. 1, c. 173-176, introduced a further facility for businesses that set up new economic initiatives in SEZ areas, regarding the reduction by 50% in income taxes for activities carried out in the SEZ.

Infrastrutture e servizi:

Infrastructures and services:

Ordinary infrastructures

  • Link Road infrastructures to motorways and road networks Inland railway infrastructures
  • Inland Road Infrastructures
  • Water supply infrastructures (industrial water)
  • Telematic/telephone/fiber infrastructures
  • Energy infrastructures (gas) Energy infrastructures (electricity)
  • Waste collection/removal infrastructures
  • Security and control infrastructures
  • Access gates
  • Areas subject to different restrictions
  • Areas subject to customs restrictions
  • Areas subject to state-owned restrictions
  • Coastal depot
  • Depot, petrol pumps and bunkers


Connotative infrastructures

  • Infrastructures and dock areas: freight/containers, commercial and passengers traffic, services and dockyards, crane
  • Depot service areas (containers, freight, etc.)
  • Wastewater purification Infrastructure
  • Environmental warning infrastructures
  • Distinct areas for admitted activities (industrial, commercial, artisanal, shipbuilding, logistics, services, ...) with indications and identification of the parcels
  • Environmental monitoring infrastructure


Strumento Urbanistico vigente:

Available zoning regulation:

P.R.G. Municipality of Corigliano provided by R.P.D. n. 1067/1986

Vincoli presenti:


Environmentally portective restrictions: Almost all of the SEZ development area is subject to the "Coastal Territories" restriction (ref. Art. 142 of Legislative Decree no. 42/2014).
At the north side of the SEZ development area there is a band subject to the "Courses of Water" restriction, corresponding to the Malfrancato stream (ref. Art. 142 of Legislative Decree no. 42/2014). Restrictions in the

Hydrogeological Asset Plan: There is a very limited area, at the edge placed to the north-east, at risk R4. Restrictions in Coastal Erosion Plan: The side located to the east of the SEZ development area is lapped by the PSEC areas (P3-high hazard areas).

Flood Risk Areas Management Plan: Compared to the PGRA, coordinated at the hydrographic district level, there are two bands of areas affected by floods, identified according to the national specifications, corresponding to the opposite sides of the SEZ development area, located at north and south.



Regione Calabria
Dipartimento “Programmazione Unitaria”
Settore n. 8 “Coordinamento ZES”
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