Il Portale della Regione Calabria per le imprese

This section lists the administrative procedures related to the different phases of business establishment, implementation and development in the SEZ. If you select each one on the side, it is possible to consult the description, the authorities in charge, the timing and you could download the relative forms.
The management of these administrative procedures is carried out electronically through the CalabriaSUAP platform, later the entering of the paperwork by the company.

In case of procedures concerning initiatives to be carried out in the SEZ area, during the insertion phase of the application in the CalabriaSUAP portal, it will be necessary to check "Attività/intervento che ricade in area zes" (SEZ Practice), in order to activate the "Verifica della comunicazione di insediamento in Area ZES" (Verification of the settlement notification in the SEZ) by the Steering Committee and the application of the related procedural simplifications envisaged.

Administrative procedure (الإجراءات الإدارية) Subject in charge
Permesso di Costruire
(Building permit request)
S.C.I.A. Alternativa al Permesso di Costruire
(Certified beginning of works notification as an alternative to building permit request)
Autorizzazione Paesaggistica
(Environmental authorization)
Province/Metropolitan City
Autorizzazione Paesaggistica Semplificata(Simplified environmental authorization) Province/Metropolitan City
CILA - Comunicazione di Inizio Lavori Asseverata
(Certified beginning of works communication)
Autorizzazione sismica
(Seismic authorization)
Region - Department 6 for Infrastructure – Public Work - Mobility
S.C.I.A Edilizia (Ordinaria)
(Certified beginning of works notification)
AUA - Autorizzazione allo scarico fuori pubblica fognatura provinciale
(Waste water dumping authorization out of the sewer)
Province/Metropolitan City
AUA - Autorizzazione allo scarico in pubblica fognatura comunale
(Waste water dumping authorization into the public sewer)
Municipality/Province/Metropolitan City
AUA - Autorizzazione alle emissioni in atmosfera
(Polluting emissions authorization)
Region/Province/Metropolitan City
AUA - Verifica Impatto acustico
(Noise impact verification)
Municipality/Province/Metropolitan City
Autorizzazione Agenzia Dogane
(Customs Office authorization)
Customs Office
Autorizzazione Capitaneria di Porto
(Port Captaincy authorization)
Port Captaincy
Concessione demaniale di competenza dell'Autorità Portuale
(Port Authority domain concession)
Port Authority
Autorizzazione esercizio attività economiche in ambito portuale
(Economic activities authorization in harbour district)
Port Authority
Autorizzazione all'esercizio delle Operazioni portuali
(Port operations authorization)
Port Authority
Collaudo deposito di stoccaggio olii minerali e GPL
(The inspection of mineral oil and lpg storage depot)
Deposito di stoccaggio olii minerali e GPL
(Mineral oil and lpg storage depot)
Notifica impianto produttivo
(Productive plant notification)
Local Health Authority



Simplification in the SEZ area (عمليات التبسيط في المنطقة الاقتصادية الخاصة)

Within the SEZ, the art. 5 of Legislative Decree 91/2017 "Urgent provisions for economic growth in the South", amended by Law no. 123/2017 and in the so-called. "Simplification Decree" - D.L. 14 December 2018, nr. 135, and converted with amendments by law 11 February 2019, n. 12, provides for specific simplifications.

In particular, in order to facilitate and accelerate the business establishment, implementation and development in the SEZs, the legislation establishes:

  • a reduction of proceeding terms referred to articles 2 and 19 of law no. 241/1990 (SCIA) and on environmental impact assessment (EIA); strategic environmental assessment (SEA); integrated environmental authorization (AIA); single environmental authorization (AUA); environmental and building authorizations; port concessions;
  • a reduction by a half for authorization, license, permit, concession or clearance terms, the application of which requires the acquisition of opinions, agreements, concerts or other acts of consent by several administrations (simplified services conference);
  • the connection between the Productive Activities Desk and the Port Authorities Desk (Law 84/1994), which operates as responsible for business establishment and development in the SEZ, ensuring telematic interoperability.

Permesso di Costruire (Building permit request)

Authority: Municipality, later the preliminary activity of Area Manager
Regulatory framework: art. 20, P.D. 6th June 2001 n. 380 – art.7, P.D. 7th September 2010 n. 160
The request for the building permit, sent to competent municipal offices through the Productive Activities Desk pursuant to art. 10 Presidential Decree n. 380/2001, must be complete with the whole documentation, declarations and technical asseverations required.

Form: A1.01 - Permesso di Costruire  (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Conferenza dei Servizi 45 o 90 giorni Riduzione della metà

SCIA edilizia alternativa al permesso di costruire (Certified beginning of works notification as an alternative to building permit request)

Authority: Municipality
Regulatory framework:
art. 23, P.D. 6th June 2001 n. 380 – art.7, P.D. 7th September 2010 n. 160
The building interventions pursuant to article 23 of P.D. 06/06/2001, n. 380 and article 5 of P.D. 09/07/2010, n. 160 are subject to SCIA edilizia alternativa al permesso di costruire: - "heavy" building renovation interventions that lead to a building structure that is totally or partially different from the previous one and that involve changes in the overall volume of the buildings or elevations, or that, limited to the buildings included in homogeneous areas A, involve significant urban changes in the intended use (No. 8 Table A, Section II of Legislative Decree No. 222 of 25/11/2016); - interventions of new construction or urban restructuring regulated by implementation plans, or contractual agreements having the value of an implementation plan, which contain precise plan-volumetric, typological, formal and constructive provisions; - the new construction in execution of an implementation urban planning tool that contains precise plan-volumetric, typological, formal and constructive provisions (No. 10 Table A, Section II of Legislative Decree No. 222 of 25/11/2016). In these cases, after the presentation of the Scia, it is necessary to wait at least thirty days before the beginning of works.

Form: A2.05 - SCIA alternativa al Permesso di Costruire (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
NO Services Conference After 30 days: beginning of works Reduction by 1/3
Services Conference if it requires authorizations, licenses, clearances by other authorities 45 or 90 days Reduction by a half

Autorizzazione Paesaggistica (Environmental authorization)

Authority: Province/Metropolitan City
Regulatory framework: art. 146, c. 2, L.D. 22/01/2004 n. 42
Regulated by the Cultural Heritage Code (Legislative Decree 42/2004), the environmental authorization is mandatory for interventions in areas subject to environmental protection and it must be requested in order to confirm their environmental compatibility. Ordinary environmental authorization must be requested in all those cases not included in the free interventions or subject to a simplified procedure. The process to obtain the authorization is longer than the simplified procedure: after submitting the application, the competent Administration (Province or Metropolitan City) carries out necessary checks and investigations. Subsequently, within 40 days of receiving the application, it sends the proposal with all technical documents both to the competent Superintendency and to the interested party. The Superintendency verifies completeness and correspondence of the documentation and it should request additions, suspending the terms of the procedure. The Superintendent conveys the competent opinion within the peremptory term of 45 days, after which a services conference is called in the absence of a stated opinion, extending the terms for a further 15 days. Within 20 days of receiving the Superintendent's opinion, the competent Administration issues the authorization, immediately effective.

Form: A4.01 - Richiesta Autorizzazione Paesaggistica Ordinaria (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Services Conference 90 days Reduction by a half

Autorizzazione Paesaggistica Semplificata (Simplified environmental authorization)

Authority: Province/Metropolitan City
Regulatory framework: P.D. 31/2017

The issuance of environmental authorization by a simplified procedure is regulated by the Presidential Decree 31/2017. The competence to issue the provision is delegated to Provinces and the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria. The request, made by the interested party to competent authority, must be accompanied by the simplified environmental report (Annex D of Presidential Decree 31/2017) drawn up by a qualified technician. Having the application, the subject in charge carries out the necessary checks and verifications, providing to request the additions if necessary. If administration does not evaluate the application negatively, it sends to the Superintendency, a motivated acceptance proposal, together with the application and the documentations. The Superintendent communicates the binding opinion within the mandatory term of 20 days from the date of receiving of the proposal to competent administration, which adopts the provision within the following 10 days. In the event of failure to express the superintendent's binding opinion on scheduled time, tacit approval is formed and the administration issues the environmental authorization. The authorization is effective for a period of five years.
L'autorizzazione è efficace per un periodo di cinque anni.

Form: A4.02 and A4.03 - Richiesta Autorizzazione Paesaggistica Semplificata (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
NO Services Conference 60 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conference 90 days Reduction by a half

CILA - Comunicazione Inizio Lavori Asseverata (Certified beginning of works communication)

Authority: Municipality
Regulatory framework: P.D. 380/2001

The interventions subject to a certified beginning of works communication are identified in art. 6-bis P.D. 6 June 2001 n. 380. The feature of “CILA” is its residual nature: the communication can be used for intervention not provided by art. 6 (free building activity), from article 10 (construction activity subject to building permit) and from article 22 (construction activities subject to certified beginning of activity notification – named SCIA).
For example, table A, Section II, attached to Legislative Decree no. 222, lists the interventions below:
- extraordinary maintenance interventions, including the opening of internal doors or the movement of internal walls, as long as they do not concern the structure of the building;
- light conservative restoration and redevelopment, not involving structural parts of the building;
- the elimination of architectural barriers that involves the construction of external lifts or other products that modify the shape of the building;
- temporary works for research activities in the subsoil that have a geognostic nature (with the exception of the hydrocarbon exploration activity), carried out inside the town center;
- digging of earth not strictly relevant to agricultural activity and agro-forestry-pastoral practices;
- the construction of seasonal mobile greenhouses functional to the development of agricultural activity in masonry structures;
- the production of minor relevances not qualified as a new construction by the technical standards of the urban planning tools, in relation to the zoning and the environmental value of the areas, or that involve the construction which equals less than 20% of the volume of the main building.

Form: Comunicazione Inizio Lavori Asseverata (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure Effective immediately Effective immediately

Autorizzazione Sismica (Seismic authorization)

Authority: Region - Department 6 for Infrastructure – Public Work - Mobility
Regulatory framework:Regional Law 16/2000 + Regional Regulation 01/2021
If the building permit is not sufficient for the execution of works in seismic areas, but the notification of the intervention and the issuance of the specific authorization or the filing of the project are essential, as required by articles 93, 94 and 94-bis of Presidential Decree no. 380/2001, by the regional law 16/2020 and by the regional regulation 1/2021, the application to obtain the seismic authorization or to file the project, is presented to the productive activities desk of the competent municipality, by filling in the Seismic Instance section in a SUAP application.
The executive project concerning the structures must be attached to the application, drawn up in compliance with regional regulations, technical standards for construction and the provisions of Presidential Decree no. 380/2001 and by the regional law 16/2020.
The recent regulatory change, pursuant to Law 120/2020, has reduced the deadline for issuing the seismic authorization to 30 days. In case of failed issuance, the authorization is acquired by tacit consent.

To fill in the SISMI.CA application, you must access to the "Online practice submission" section of CalabriaSUAP.

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 30 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conference 45 or 90 days Reduction by a half

S.C.I.A. Edilizia (Ordinaria) (Certified beginning of works notification)

Authority: Municipality
Regulatory framework: P.D. 380/2001
In building matters, the certified beginning of works notification (SCIA) is required for the building interventions listed in Table A of Legislative Decree 222/2016.
As an example, the following are subject to building SCIA:
- extraordinary maintenance interventions, restoration, conservative rehabilitation that involve structural changes and light building restoration;
- variations to building permits that do not affect urban planning parameters and volumes, do not change the intended use and building category, do not alter the shape of the building if subject to a restriction, pursuant to legislative decree January 22, 2004, n. 42 and subsequent amendments, and do not violate any provisions contained in the building permit;
- variations to building permits that do not constitute an essential variation, provided that they comply with the town-planning-building requirements and are implemented after the acquisition of any acts of consent prescribed by the legislation on environmental, hydrogeological, protection of the historical, artistic and archaeological heritage and other sector regulations.
The SCIA can be applied by the owner of the property or by interested party based on a valid legal transaction (eg: proxy, power of attorney, mandate from the owner) and it constitutes an immediate enabling title for the beginning of works intervention. The deadlines for checking the SCIA are 30 days from the date of submission, based on the provisions of article 19 of Law 241/90. If it is necessary the acquisition of consent documents, the interested party applies the SCIA and also the relative application with the necessary documentation. In that case, the SCIA is CONDITIONED from the acquisition of consent acts and it takes effect, as a qualifying title, from the date of communication of their acquisition by the SUE. The realization of building interventions in absence or discrepancy from the report constitutes sanctioned building abuse in terms of law and regulation (see Presidential Decree No. 380 of 6 June 2001).

Form: A2.01 - SCIA Edilizia (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
NO Services Conference Effective immediately Effective immediately

AUA – Autorizzazione allo scarico fuori pubblica fognatura provinciale (Waste water dumping authorization out of the sewer)

Authority: Province/Metropolitan City
Regulatory framework: Legislative Decree 152/2006, chapter II, Title IV section II Part III
All waste water dumping, therefore coming from non-domestic settlements, which do not deliver to the public sewer, must be authorized pursuant to article 124 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 and subsequent amendments.
The plant manager or the person who uses the drain is obliged to submit an application for waste water dumping authorization out of the sewer in the form of a single environmental authorization (AUA) pursuant to Presidential Decree n. 59/2013.
The public authority responsible for issuing the Authorization is the Province.
The duration of the single environmental authorization is 15 years from the date of issue.
Substantial changes to the authorized plant such as changes to the destination, extension or renovation of the property, which involve qualitative-quantitative changes in the authorized drain, the waste water treatment system or the receiver body, must be expressly authorized with a procedure similar to that of the first authorization

Forms: C1.01 e C1.02 - Richiesta Autorizzazione Unica Ambientale (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 90 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conferenze 90 days Reduction by a half

AUA – Autorizzazione allo scarico in pubblica fognatura comunale (Waste water dumping authorization into the public sewer)

Authority: Municipality/Province/Metropolitan City
Regulatory framework: Legislative Decree 152/2006
The AUA request (authorization to dumping into the public sewer) must be complete with all documentation, declarations and technical asseverations and it must be presented to the responsible environmental/ecology office of the Municipality pursuant to the L.R. n. 10 of 03/10/1997 and of Presidential Decree 59/2013 through the SUAP

Forms:C1.01 and C1.02 - Richiesta Autorizzazione Unica Ambientale (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 90 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conferenze 90 days Reduction by a half

AUA - Autorizzazione alle emissioni in atmosfera (Polluting emissions authorization)

Authority: Region/Province/Metropolitan City
Regulatory framework:art. 269 Legislative Decree 152/2006
Each activity or production plant which produces polluting emissions into the atmosphere must have a specific authorization excluding the following cases provided by law:
- plants and activities with scarcely significant atmospheric pollution listed in Annex IV, Part I to Part Five of Legislative Decree no.152 / 06;
- plants subject to integrated environmental authorization which will have a specific single authorization also including atmosphere emissions;
- incineration and co-incineration plants and other waste thermal treatment plants which will have a specific single authorization including atmosphere emissions;
- establishments intended for national defense and emissions from vents and air changes exclusively used for the protection and safety of the workplace.
For all other activities, the plant manager must request authorization: in case of new construction or plant relocation (pursuant to Article 269, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 152/2006), to carry out substantial and non-substantial changes (pursuant to Article 269 paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006).
The substantial modification, transfer or construction of this kind of plant must be carried out after the authorization. If the activity carried out in the plant falls within those defined in derogation pursuant to Article 272, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Legislative Decree no. 152/06 (formerly reduced pollution), the plant manager may request adherence to the general authorization which must be presented at least 45 days before the installation of the plant or the beginning of the activity.

Forms:C1.01, C1.04 and C1.05 - Richiesta Autorizzazione emissioni in atmosfera (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 90 or 120 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conferenze 90 days Reduction by a half

AUA - Verifica impatto acustico (Noise impact verification)

Authority: Municipality/Province/Metropolitan City
Regulatory framework: Legislative Decree 152/2006
Given that the Presidential Decree n. 227 of 19 October 2011, for the procedures simplification on environmental matters for companies, makes it possible to exclude from the obligation to present the documentation required by Law no. 447/95 low noise activities, replaced by a self-certification; within the municipal area, the noise classification document is adopted to establish specific pollution limits for each portion of the territory; otherwise, those established with P.M.D. on 11/14/97 which involve the production of the necessary documentation; iron and metal working is not one of those that can resort to self-certification;
there are two types of endoprocedures:
1) activities subject to acoustic impact verification in the Municipality that has adopted the acoustic classification document of its territory;
2) activities subject to preventive acoustic impact verification in a Municipality that has NOT adopted the acoustic classification document of its territory. It is therefore necessary to refer to the P.D. n. 59/2013 which, by introducing the AUA regulations, maintains the competence of the Municipality which avails itself of the authorization from ARPACAL for the various types of authorizations.
For the type of procedure 1) a substitute declaration can be presented in all those cases whose activities DO NOT involve noise emissions established in the municipal acoustic classification document. In all other cases, there is an obligation to submit the documentation referred to art. 8 paragraphs 2,3 and 4 of Law no. 447 of 10/26/1995.

Forms: C1.01 e C1.06 - Richiesta verifica impatto acustico (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 90 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conferenze 90 days Reduction by a half

Autorizzazione Agenzia Dogane (Customs Office authorization)

Authority: Customs Office
Regulatory framework: art. 19 Legislative Decree 374/90

This is the necessary authorization for the execution of constructions and other works close to the customs line and in the territorial sea pursuant to art. 19 of law 374/90. The law makes the buildings construction, both temporary and permanent, subject to the authorization of the local Director of the Customs District, as the placement of floating artifacts nearby the customs line or in the territorial sea. Pursuant to the aforementioned article of the law, customs authorization is also required for the movement and modification of existing artifacts. In the event of non-compliance, an administrative penalty is imposed related to the violation and, if the abusive work is likely to damage the tax interests, it can be reduced and charged to the transgressor.

Forms: SID Forms available on SID – Il portale del mareaccessible through CalabriaSUAP

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Services Conference 45 or 90 days Reduction by a half

Autorizzazione Capitaneria di Porto (Port Captaincy Authorization)

Authority: Port Captaincy
Regulatory framework: Waterway Regulations - Article 55
The authorization referred to the article 55 of the Waterway Regulations is aimed to ensure the safety of navigation and the use of the public maritime domain areas according to the rules established by the competent ministry. Specifically, law provides that the realization of new interventions within 30 meters of the maritime state property (or from the edge of land above the sea) is subject to the authorization by the Maritime Authority. These interventions include both construction and renovation, only if they involve an expansion of existing buildings. A simple ordinary or extraordinary maintenance intervention, which does not involve the volume extension of a building, is instead exempt from the authorization. Similarly, the authorization is not necessary if the new constructions are foreseen in regulatory plans that the Maritime Authority has already approved. The application for the release of the clearance must be submitted to the Head of the Maritime Department (in other words, to the Commander of the competent Port Captaincy), by filling in the form D7 available on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport and with annexed the required technical documentation (planning and report).
This is a procedure to be activated as part of a more general procedure relating to an economic activity that may need this opinion (for example, the implementation of activities in the harbour area or a beach property, etc.).

Forms: A8 – Port Captaincy (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Services Conference 90 days Reduction by a half

Concessione demaniale di competenza dell’Autorità portuale (Port Authority domain concession)

Authority: Port Authority
Regulatory framework: art. 5 Regolamento per l’esecuzione del codice della navigazione (DPR 15/02/1952, n. 328) – articolo 28 del Codice della Navigazione (R.D. 30/03/1942, n. 327)
In its own area, the Port Authority of Gioia Tauro administers and manages the maritime state property and in particular takes care of the issue of state concessions for the development of the most varied activities ranging from terminal, shipbuilding, industrial, or purely commercial / artisanal ones to any occupation in general, for contingent reasons (e.g. building sites), or on an ongoing basis for the management of activities permitted by current legislation.
The issuance of the maritime state-owned concession is divided, as for the other administrative measures, substantially in three phases ranging from the presentation of the application, accompanied by adequate technical documentation, to the competent office, to the preliminary activity up to the issue of the state-owned concession. In the preliminary phase, including the publication of the application, the opinions, provided by rules and regulations, will be acquired, in collaboration with the relevant municipal SUAP, both from the internal offices, the Administration and from external Bodies (eg. Customs Agency, Municipality, etc.).
The investigation ends with the passage to the Port Committee. Upon completion of the investigation, with a positive outcome, the concession title or formal concession deed is issued, and registered with the Registry Office. In case of the request is not accepted, the refusal provision is issued. The legislation (reg. Of the naval code art. 5) recognizes as subjects entitled to submit the application for a maritime concession whoever intends to occupy areas of the maritime state property for any use (referred to in art. 28 of the naval code) or of the territorial sea or state-owned appurtenances (buildings, constructions, plants referred to in art. 29 of the nav. code). These subjects must submit the application to the Port Authority aimed to obtain the concession title, through the relevant municipal SUAP, exclusively through the standardized forms prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (D1 and D2).
Model D1 is used to draw up concession applications related to the occupation and use of state property and territorial sea areas. The D2 form must only be used if you intend to renew a state concession for which the D1 form was presented at the time. In case of the data requested by the Administration through form D1 have not been submitted for the original concession, even in the case of renewal, the applicant must submit form D1. In the event that the same maritime state property complex is the subject of multiple requests, the same will be subject, pursuant to art. 37 of the cod. nav., to a comparative evaluation.

Forms: SID Forms available on SID – Il portale del mare, accessible through CalabriaSUAP

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Services Conferenze 90 days Reduction by a half

Autorizzazione esercizio attività economiche in ambito portuale (Economic activities authorization in harbour district)

Authority: Port Authority
Regulatory framework: art. 6 c. 1, l. 28/1/94 n. 84; art. 16 c. 3, l. 28/1/94 n. 84

For the management of "Economic activities", as commercial, industrial, artisanal work activities, within the ports of Gioia Tauro, Crotone, Corigliano Calabro, Taureana di Palmi and as well as for similar activities that will be carried out in areas of the maritime state property and also under the territorial jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Gioia Tauro, pursuant to c. 2 of art. 68 of the Navigation Code, to the supervision of the Authority itself, the company submits an application with the required documentations.

Necessary documentation is identified in the model available on and compiled in the following LINK

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 90 + 30 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conferenze 90 days Reduction by a half

Autorizzazione all'esercizio delle Operazioni portuali (Port operations authorization)

Authority: Port Authority
Regulatory framework:
Decree 4/2001
For the management of "Port operations", carried out on its own account or on behalf of third parties, pursuant to art. 16 paragraphs 2) and 3), Law 84/94, as amended by Law 186/2000, and the procedures for issuing the relative Authorization, provided for by art, 16 paragraph 3), Law 84/1994, the company submits an application and the attached required documentation.
The application concerns the management of "Port Operations" as economic activities related to the cycle of loading, unloading, transshipment, storage, movement in general of goods and any other material returned in the port area and aimed to the passage of cargo or part of it from one ship to another one or other mode of transport and viceversa.

Necessary documentation is identified in the model available on and compiled in the following LINK

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
Ordinary procedure 90 + 30 days Reduction by 1/3
Services Conferenze NO NO


Collaudo deposito di stoccaggio olii minerali e gpl (The inspection of mineral oil and lpg storage depot)

Authority: Regional commission. The application must be sent to the Productive Activities DESK of the municipality where business is located
Regulatory framework:
L.D. 128/2006, L.239/2004, PD 420/1994, RCD 369/2012
The inspection of processing plants or a mineral oil storage depot is a requirement to start the new or renovated plants up, and it is carried out by a specific regional Commission appointed on the basis of the provisions of DGR 369/2012. All the interventions in accordance to art. 1, c. 56, law n. 239/2004 are subject to regional authorization. The regional inspection, which does not in any way replace the verifications of the other competent authorities based on the specific disciplines (Fire Department, Customs Agency, ARPA, etc.), is aimed to verify that the completed works are in compliance with the approved preliminary project as well as with all the requirements resulting from the authorization. While waiting for the required inspection, the holder of the regional authorization may be authorized to temporarily work on the plants or modifications, upon request accompanied by a certification concerning the compliance with environmental and safety requirements.

Link: Link:

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ

Services Conferenze

45 or 90 days Reduction by a half

Deposito di stoccaggio olii minerali e gpl (Mineral oil and lpg storage depot)

Authority: Regional commission or MISE depending on the plant size. The application must be sent to the Productive Activities DESK of the municipality where business is located. The DESK forwards it to other authorities in charge
Regulatory framework: L.D. 128/2006, L.239/2004, P.D. 420/1994
Description :

The authorizations for the storage activities of mineral oils with a capacity up to 1,000 c.m. and for the LPG storage depots between 100 and 200 tons are under the responsibility of the regional department for Economic Development, Labor, Training, Social Policies. Instead, the Ministry of Economic Development is the subject in charge of the authorization for plants with a higher capacity (identified as infrastructures and strategic settlements by L.D. 5/2012, art.57, c. 1). In case of LPG storage plant, the LPG filling, transfer and storage systems are subject to authorization, equal to at least mc. 100 in fixed tanks (L.D. 22 February 2006, n.128, art. 4).

The following depots are not subject to authorization if they have a total capacity equal to or less than:

  • m.10 of liquid mineral oils depots for commercial use;
  • m. 25 of mineral oils depots for private use (both for heating, industrial or agricultural use);
  • m. 26 of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) depots for private use (both for heating, industrial or agricultural use);
  • 1000 LPG depots in gas bottles.

Furthermore, the road distribution systems of LPG for automotive and the depots of LPG annexed to the service of channeled networks are not subject to the authorization required by law no. 239/2004, even if they must be authorized by the territorially competent municipality as well as by other administrations that may be involved.

In accordance with the P.D. 7 September 2010, n. 160, requests for authorization for the construction, modification or disposal of mineral oil depots must be submitted electronically exclusively to the Productive Activities DESK (SUAP), which will forward the applications to the competent regional Department. The authorization procedure provides the acquisition of the opinion by the Customs Agency, the Monopolies Agency, the Provincial Fire Department and the competent Municipality and, if necessary, by the other Administrations listed in P.D. 18 April 1994, n. 420 art. 4. The holders of regional authorization concerning a processing plant or a storage depot of mineral oils cannot definitively manage new plants or authorized modifications before they have been inspected by a specific regional Commission appointed on the basis of RCD 369/2012. All the interventions in accordance to art. 1, c. 56, law n. 239/2004 are subject to regional authorization. The regional inspection, which does not in any way replace the verifications by the other competent authorities based on the specific disciplines (Fire Department, Customs Agency, ARPA, etc.), is aimed to verify that the completed works are in compliance with the approved preliminary project as well as with all the requirements resulting from the authorization. While waiting for the required inspection, the holder of the regional authorization may be authorized to temporarily work on the plants or modifications, upon request accompanied by a certification concerning the compliance with environmental and safety requirements.


Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ

Services Conferenze

45 or 90 days Reduction by a half

Notifica Impianto Produttivo (Productive plant notification)

Authority: Local Health Authority
Regulatory framework: art. 67 Legislative Decree 81/08
The notification pursuant to art. 67 of the Consolidated Law 81/2008 is an information document related to the works that anyone who intends to realize, build, expand or renovate a building or a room to use it for industrial processes with more than three workers, must obligatorily submit to the competent supervisory body which in Calabria is identified in the Local Health prevention departments.

Form: B1.01 - Notifica Impianto Produttivo (available on

Procedure timeline

Procedure Management Deadline procedure beyond the SEZ Deadline procedure in the SEZ
NO Services Conference Same timeline of builiding request Reduction by 1/3
Services Conference if it requires authorizations, licenses, clearances by other authorities 45 or 90 days Reduction by a half


Procedure Authority in charge Regulations Set of forms
Strategic environmental evaluation (SEE)

Calabria Region
Environmental Protection Department
Sector 4 - "Environmental evaluation" O.U.4.3. Strategic environmental evaluation (SEE)

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lgs.D. 29.06.2010 n. 128
Lgs.D. 03.04.2006 n.152




Environmental impact evaluation (EIE)

Calabria Region
Environamental protection Department
Sector 4 – Circular economy
Environmental evaluation and authorization
Sustainable Development

Certified mail: valutazioniambientali.ambienteterritorio
Lgs.D. 152/06 and amendments

Notice concerning Regional authorization process (record 4/11/2020 n. 359097)  

Set of forms

EIE Forms LGS .D. 152/2006 UPDATED TO LGS .D. 104/2017

Regional authorization for renewable resources

Environmental protection Department
Sector 7 – Infrastructures For Energy,
Renewable and nonrenewable resource

Certified mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Law n. 42/2008
Law n. 387/2003
Environmental protection Department
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